Transport Pattern In

A TransportsPatternIn allows you to transport available product instances sequentially in a pattern.

Reserved Products

TransportsPatternIn supports using products reserved by ReserveProduct statement. Define which reserved product are used by ReservedProductVariableName property. If there are pre-reserved products available, they get first filled in the pattern. Pattern can be partially or fully filled from pre-reserved products.

Used pre-reserved products are removed from the input list. If the it is a single value, variable is reset. If there are more pre-reserved products than fit in the pattern, the unused ones are left in the variable and can be used by other statements that support transporting them in.

Other Products

A product matching the product filter is first reserved and then brought in using the transport system.

Note: Only Transport system is supported as source.



Name Description
IsEnabled Turns on/off the execution of this statement.


Offset of the first product from product position frame.


Number of product per X,Y,Z axis.


Step between products in pattern per X,Y,Z axis.


Frame location where the products are placed.
ProductVariableName Product variable name that is to be transported out.


Frame location where a resource will move while picking/placing part.
ReservedProductVariableName Product variable name defined in the Reserve Statement. If ReservedProductVariableName is used, the process executor overrides the product filter settings in this statement.

Product Filter

See Product Filtering